04/06/2022 - 11/09/2022

Last chance to visit our travelling treasure in STeM Sint-Niklaas!

We are proud that The First Atlas Map to Use the Word “America” is part of the Recht Door Zee  exhibition, which focuses on navigating the world from 1500 until today. The exhibition highlights the ever-evolving knowledge of cartography, geography, and astronomy. Amongst others, manuscripts, portolan maps, handcrafted curiosities, and multiple historic naval objects are on display.

Laurent Fries, The First Atlas Map to Use the Word “America”, 1525

The First Atlas Map to Use the Word “America” ’ is an essential element as it contributed to maintaining the place name “America”. If It weren’t for French physician and mathematician, Laurent Fries (1485-1532), the name would have probably fallen out of use.

Until the 11th of September, the exhibition guides you through a time-traveling experience amongst three locations, covering almost 1200 square meters. Don’t miss it!