Behind the scenes with Dymphna
Crazy about Dymphna opened a month ago in Geel! Project coordinator Niels Schalley is happy to tell you more about the construction and installation of this fascinating exhibition:
“After a two-year delay because of Covid-19, it was fantastic to finally be able to bring the exhibition to the Saint Dymphna Church in Geel. We were eagerly looking forward to the installation of the Dymphna altarpiece in this unique setting. Thanks to the Crazy about Dymphna exhibition in Tallinn, we had already carried out the entire set-up once before and therefore, we were confident that everything would go smoothly.”

“After a two-year delay because of Covid-19, it was fantastic to finally be able to bring the exhibition to the Saint Dymphna Church in Geel. We were eagerly looking forward to the installation of the Dymphna altarpiece in this unique setting. Thanks to the Crazy about Dymphna exhibition in Tallinn, we had already carried out the entire set-up once before and therefore, we were confident that everything would go smoothly.”

“In tegenstelling tot de locatie in Tallinn, de ontwijde Niguliste kerk, is de Sint-Dimpnakerk nog wel actief. Dit is een enorm voordeel aangezien het Dimpna-altaarstuk op die manier huist tussen de vele verborgen kunstschatten in een van de mooiste kerken van Vlaanderen. De acht panelen van het altaarstuk zijn zo opgesteld dat ze een echte ommegang vormen. Bijhorende sokkels met video’s vertellen razend interessante weetjes en emotionele getuigenissen. Op die manier ontluikt het verhaal van de heilige Dimpna in al haar glorie en facetten.”
Curious? Book your ticket now for only one euro!