With ROOTED, The Phoebus Foundation devoted an exhibition in 2017 to Flemish art between 1880 and 1930. In the leading role? The most influential painters of the period: Emile Claus, Valerius De Saedeleer, Gustave Van de Woestyne, George Minne, James Ensor, Léon Spilliaert, Rik Wouters, Frits Van den Berghe, Constant Permeke, Gust. De Smet, Hubert Malfait and Edgard Tytgat. The exhibition focused on a turning point in Flemish artistic and cultural history and took the visitor back to the beginning of the 20th century. But ROOTED was also different and groundbreaking. It was also about the present and about what it means to be Flemish, since the border between past and present is wafer-thin.